Hello! Today I'm going to share experience of development simple money transactions service. This service is not ready for production usage. I created similar service as a software engineer test assignment. There were such requirements:
Hello! Today I would like to share simple register form example built with Symfony and Vue.js. Recently I passed the interview in some project. There we several steps and one of them was live coding.
Task wasn't very difficult. I need to create user register form working with ajax. User should set email, username and password. Email and username must be unique. Password should be checked for minimum strength/complexity. As a starting point there was an empty controller.
Hello! Today I would like to share Github Actions configuration and usage experience. I was interested in this tool for a while. As soon as I use CI/CD, docker containers etc. for commercial projects, but not for my personal/own pet projects
Hello! Today I would like to share Code Coverage Analysis configuration for PHP(Symfony) project. Then I'm going to demonstrate integration with Github Actions.
Code Coverage Analysis is important for understanding quality of tests, and how much they are testing code. More information about Code Coverage Analysis.
Initially I configured Code Coverage Analysis for this blog. Then I also made it for one of my open source projects - placeholder-service. Idea behind is to make it more clear and share all configs.
Hello! Today I would like to share Psalm code analysis configuration for PHP(Symfony) project. Then I'm going to demonstrate html report generation and integration with Github Actions.
Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications. There is live demo on its website.
Initially I configured Code Coverage Analysis for this blog. Then I also made it for one of my open source projects - placeholder-service. Idea behind is to make it more clear and share all configs.
Hello! Today I would like to share PHP-CS-Fixer configuration for PHP project. PHP-CS-Fixer is used for automated code formatting based on specific rules, for example, PSR standards.
PHP-CS-Fixer would help to improve code quality. Following code quality standards would make project code base better for understanding and simplify development in general. It also would optimize code review process.
Hello everyone! Today I would like to share my experience of creating a simple service for managing feature flags. Feature flags allow you to enable or disable some specific functionality in an application. It does not require re-deploy or rollback. Only need to enable or disable a specific feature flag. Besides that, flag checks should be added at some points in the source code.
For example, we need to add a contact form to the website, but it's also important to quickly revert changes if needed.
Then we would create contact-form
feature flag and check it when displaying the form and in the form handler.
Hello everyone! Today I would like to describe the method of fixtures organisation in Symfony based web-application with Codeception Doctrine2 module.
Usually fixtures are used for testing data generation. Most common case usages are integration tests. Symfony's fixtures are implemented within DoctrineFixturesBundle package.