Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about working with a foreign company through an individual entrepreneur, as well as receiving payment in foreign currency. The main idea is to work for a foreign company, without intermediaries, in compliance with all requirements. And receiving payment in dollars.
The article may be interesting and useful for those who are going to start with a foreign company but do not know where to start. Also, it may be of interest to employers planning to hire individual contractors for software development.
Hello! Today I would like to share my experience of improving Docker performance on macOS with Mutagen.
Docker on macOS has performance issues by default. It's related to mounting volumes and osxfs file system. It seriously affects applications with many I/O operations. So, a Symfony-based web application can handle a request for a few seconds.
Hello! Today I would like to describe visiting PHP Russia 2021 conference. It was on June 28 in Moscow, in Radisson Slavyanskaya space.
It was the second PHP conference in Russia. Initially, it should be in 2020, but it was postponed several times because of Covid-19 and related limitations. Finally, the conference moved to June 28. There still were some, if it will be in that day. Fortunately, it was as scheduled.
Hello! Today I would like to share my experience of using Docker on Windows.
Recently I tried to run one of my projects on Windows 10. I use Linux as my development environment and run projects in Docker. Docker works great on Linux.
Previously I also tried to use Docker on Windows/Mac, but all the time I had different issues. Finally, I just installed Linux into Virtualbox and used Docker there.
Everything becomes better when WSL was introduced in Windows 10. WSL creates a Linux environment in Windows 10. It's not just a virtual machine, Linux is somehow integrated into the host environment. WSL2 is compatible with Docker for Windows.
Hello! Today I would like to share PHP-CS-Fixer configuration for PHP project. PHP-CS-Fixer is used for automated code formatting based on specific rules, for example, PSR standards.
PHP-CS-Fixer would help to improve code quality. Following code quality standards would make project code base better for understanding and simplify development in general. It also would optimize code review process.
Hello! Today I would like to share Psalm code analysis configuration for PHP(Symfony) project. Then I'm going to demonstrate html report generation and integration with Github Actions.
Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications. There is live demo on its website.
Initially I configured Code Coverage Analysis for this blog. Then I also made it for one of my open source projects - placeholder-service. Idea behind is to make it more clear and share all configs.
Hello! Today I would like to share Code Coverage Analysis configuration for PHP(Symfony) project. Then I'm going to demonstrate integration with Github Actions.
Code Coverage Analysis is important for understanding quality of tests, and how much they are testing code. More information about Code Coverage Analysis.
Initially I configured Code Coverage Analysis for this blog. Then I also made it for one of my open source projects - placeholder-service. Idea behind is to make it more clear and share all configs.
Hello! Today I would like to share Github Actions configuration and usage experience. I was interested in this tool for a while. As soon as I use CI/CD, docker containers etc. for commercial projects, but not for my personal/own pet projects
Hello! 2020 is almost completed. It seems, it was crazy and hard for everybody. For a few days before new year I feel completely tired and don't really want to do any serious things. But I'm still trying to complete existing stuff as match as possible. And also summarize everything that happens with me in 2020.
Hello! 6th November 2020 was my last working day in DataArt. 9th November I started work in IDEXX. IDEXX company is working on development, manufacture, and distribution of products and services for animal veterinary and other things. I'm working on Neo project - CRM system for veterinary practices.